Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Cheese on Olive Garden Salad Person.

All my friends look like models. This is not a joke. The picture below is TRULY what they look like.

This blog is for people like you and me. Non-model, typical, “Why yes, I would like cheese on my Olive Garden salad” people. This blog is for people (like you and me) who wake up without makeup on, and don’t look like Selena Gomez in the Who Says music video.  This blog is for the girls who met boys and got their prom dates through their model friends. Finally, this is for the girls who love those model friends anyways.
And, this for trying. 
It is an experiment.  After years of hanging out with my model-like friends, observing their health tricks and tips, seeing their uncanny ability to lose three pounds in a week, and the way they hold themselves with confidence, I decided it was time to share their secrets.  We are all beautiful in our own way, but, if you’re interested (like I am), in enhancing your beauty inside and out…this might be the blog for you.

Warning: I am an unstable writer. Sometimes I get a little sarcastic. Sometimes I get a little serious.  Sometimes I get a little cutesy.  

Spoiler Alert: I’m mostly sarcastic.


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